Lockdown Day 4

Today was our first Sunday in a bubble. We had hoped we were sorted for the parish to watch our service on the website but the server failed L -fortunately we managed to email out the YouTube link...  so I hope you were able to find it if that was what you wanted.

At our place we also enjoyed the Young Church kit based on the Ezekiel story of the valley of dry bones. We shared what our favourite bone was and raced to put our skeletons together.  And we talked about the hopes we have for new life that can come out of dry bones. 

For me though, as I placed myself in the story Reuben was reading to us, I realised that in Ezekiel’s shoes, I am not so sure I would have had such faith. When God asks me –can these bones live –and all I see is dry bones –I am challenged to move from saying “not a show, Lord” to Ezekiel’s next layer response –“only You know, God”.  To not leap to the assumption that what you see is all you get. To comprehend that God is able to do the miraculous in our midst. I want Ezekiel’s willingness; his openness to God at work, even in the most unlikely places.  My hope is that this space will build my hope in what God can do in our midst.
