
We attended Evening Prayer at Westminster Abbey. What a magnificent space to gather as the people of God. As we were ushered in we were constantly reminded that there was to be no photos, no tourism, for this was worship. Officious people made it clear, if a bit daunting. Amidst the choir stalls we sat with a mixed looking bunch. Worship began and I tried to tune into what was being said. It was beautiful and I snuggled into the presence of God, grateful for this opportunity to worship.

We attended lunchtime Eucharist at St Paul’s in London. What a magnificent space to gather as the people of God. Under the central dome we found our seats with a mixed looking bunch. Worship began and I tried to tune into what was being said. All around me was chaotic noise. A man behind spoke loudly to his friends. A family in front left after a few minutes. A woman wandered across the front to take a photo. And I struggled. Struggled to hear, struggled to be present. Struggled to worship.

And I wondered where the balance lies… of reverence and relaxedness… of expectation and come as you are. .. of holy and ordinary. No profound answers, just ponderings. All are welcome. We gather to worship.