Level 3 Day 13: Chrysalis Prayer

Yesterday we were informed that Level 2 begins this Thursday and now we enter a time of working out what that will look like for each of us.  At KPC we need to look at how we might gather and how our building will be used. But each one of us have a role in determining what our communities will look like in this new phase. This has made me go back to the chrysalis prayer I wrote for last Sunday’s worship service and so I thought it might be useful for those people who read this but don’t join in the KPC online worship. So here it is -

Lord God, this time of lockdown has been a strange time. We have been cocooned in our bubbles, as the world has become a sometimes dangerous place. As we have distanced ourselves physically from others, our worlds have become smaller. It is as if we have been held in a chrysalis through this past month... snuggled into a place where we have felt safe amidst a virus we did not understand. Some of us have experienced this as a gift –there has been time to make space in lives that had become too full. Some of us have experienced times when we have felt overly contained. We have wanted to escape our chrysalis and go back to what once was familiar. Frustrated at being told where we can and can’t go; and what we can and can’t do. And many of us have experienced a mixture of these... there have been times of delight and times of frustration interwoven together. But however we have experienced this time of isolation, there has been this waiting for the right time to emerge... and now as we draw closer to the possibility of level 2 of lockdown, we have begun to ponder what life will be like when we emerge from this space. We wonder how different it will be. Lord in this time we want to listen to your voice. We want to make the most of this chronos moment –this time full of opportunity to do things differently. This time when we can reassess our attitudes, and the way we spend our time and our money. Time when we can hold on to the way we have learned to take more notice of the people around us. We don’t want to go back to what was, without making the most of the choices available to us. But we need your help Lord, to move forward wisely. We want to emerge more beautiful than before. And so we take some time to listen -to let You speak to our hearts and minds...  and we reflect on what one thing You might be asking us to do differently, when we leave lockdown. One thing that will bring more butterfly beauty into our lives and our community...  Amen.
