Lockdown Day 9

Today I am reflecting on bubbles -and how beautiful and yet how fragile bubbles are. I love the way bubbles can create such delight -typically in children, which I have often witnessed in mainly music sessions when I have brought out bubble blower from the special box. But when at the Pop-up Globe’s Romeo and Juliet recently -in pre-Lockdown days, I also saw the delight in adults, as thousands of bubbles descending around us. I wonder what memories of bubbles you have -blowing them in a bath to entertain a child, perhaps.

Bubbles do come in lots of different sizes, but whatever the size, they are complete in themselves, and beautiful. As I ponder, I am reminded of our need to be satisfied with the bubble we are in -whatever that might look like, and find the beauty there. Often the beauty is easier to see from the outside, but I invite you to discover something beautiful about your bubble today.

Young Church children at KPC are being given a daily challenge and recently they were challenged to draw their bubble… below is the one Reuben drew -which somehow makes my task of finding beauty in our bubble that much easier today :) Apparently I am waving, not posing!

Our bubble reuben's pic.jpg