Lockdown Day 2

Today when we took Scamper for a walk around our block we delighted in seeing the many teddy bears -and all sorts of other creatures - in peoples’ windows. The will to offer joy is such a profound part of our shared humanity. It reminded me of the verse in Proverbs 17 that says a cheerful heart is good medicine. We offer one another good medicine when we share joy in these simple ways -whether a teddy in your window or a smile through a phone line. I loved to read of a friend today who secretly made her window bear wave at a child going past, bringing extra delight! Sometimes though we have to be a bit creative in the ways we share joy -now more than ever. For us, with a large front yard, our windows are too far from the footpath for a bear to be visible, so we had to think outside the box a little. The photo below shows our answer. The reality is though, that we can all share some joy in some way. So spread the medicine of joy over these next days and weeks -you never know who might just be needing it.

teddy in glasshouse.jpg