Lectionary Poetry

Year C


  • Jeremiah 33: 14-16
    Luke 21: 25-36

    I was sitting with the lines from “After Annunciation” by Madeleine L’Engle,
    “This is the irrational season when love blooms bright and wild. Had Mary been filled with reason there’d have been no room for the child.”
    I reflected on signs we see and signs we choose to ignore. Daffodils welcome Spring around the world, but in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Kowhai is Spring’s first bloom and Pohutukawa is a native tree all recognise as a sign that Christmas - and Summer - is near.



    Kowhai welcomes the Spring
    Pohutukawa blooms for Summer
    Heralds of invitation
    to step into a new season

    Kairos invading chronos
    Irrationally, God is at work
    A righteous branch sprouts out of season
    Signs of heaven and earth rejoined

    Sea levels rise and forests shrink
    Battles rage and lands ravaged
    We see the signs
    and dare to raise our heads.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 14 March 2024

  • Malachi 3: 1-4
    Luke 1: 68-79
    Luke 3: 1-6
    Philippians 1:3-11


    Joining the Song

    Move me from skepticism
    to speechless wonder
    from empty arms to full
    from silence to Benedictus –
    Blessed be the one I hold

    When the life we hold
    is beyond what we imagined
    More than we dared hope
    I join the song of God
    Each harmony layering another
    in the ultimate love song
    Blessed be the one I hold

    But dare I join this song of blessing
    When all I hold feels broken?
    Dare I sing love into hurt?
    Sing blessing over pain and fear?
    Still in tune with the Song of God
    played through the universe.
    A song written on our hearts
    that love may abound.
    Blessed be the one I hold

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 15 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Zephaniah 3:14-20
    Isaiah 12:2-6
    Philippians 4:4-7
    Luke 3:7-18


    Building Joy

    Building blocks of living joy
    Simple kindnesses lead to gentleness
    Don’t worry, God is close
    Be thankful, there is good to find

    Share what you have;
    don’t cheat;
    don’t bully.

    Block after block after block.
    Choose joy -again and again,
    Attitude, Behaviour,
    Attitude, Behaviour,
    Over and over
    Over and over

    Not because all is well, but because it isn’t.
    Building towers of transcending peace
    God is close.
    Walls of refreshment for thirst
    Gratitude discovered.

    Each block, a memory
    of God’s delight in you
    Each block, a choice
    to join with the eternal Joy of God.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 15 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Micah 5:2-5a
    Psalm 80:1-7
    Hebrews 10:5-10
    Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)


    Small Things

    God loves to use small numbers,
    ordinary people,
    little gifts
    and minor moments.

    In my smallness, may I too be used
    and with haste, share within community:
    holding hope together
    listening to each other’s crazy stories
    blessing one another.

    In our connections, may we together
    make sense of where God is at work.
    Noticing the hand of God on another.
    Making hope bigger -magnifying -

    Singing the power of God
    in our very powerlessness
    and in looking at life with eyes of faith
    so discover a renewing world.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 15 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin



  • Isaiah 9:2-7
    Psalm 96
    Titus 2:11-14
    Luke 2:1-14 (15-20)


    The New Way

    Ending our Advent journey
    to step into this new pilgrimage
    Before yields to After
    Ordinary to extraordinary
    All will change
    as starlight does its work.
    At the edge of this path
    the land holds its breath
    and angels stretch their wings
    Our month meets Mary’s nine
    of audacious expectation
    God’s dream from long ago
    born this night in flesh and blood
    embracing human struggle
    As Word is laid in feeding trough
    and worshipped by calloused hands
    Nothing is left ordinary.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 14 March 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Isaiah 52: 7-10
    Psalm 98
    Hebrews 1:1-4 (5-12)
    John 1: 1-4

    Prayer of Martin Luther that says, God is now of our image.


    Our Image

    Angels and singing
    Gifts and feasting

    To see again
    and again

    Irrepressible joy
    Irrepressible joy

    God now of our image
    our flesh and blood

    Stepping into our shoes
    of frail insignificance
    wrapped in our swaddling cloths
    interrupting our tables
    we who are made in your image

    Unspeakable grace
    given Word.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 18 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • 1 Samuel 2: 18-20,26
    Psalm 148
    Colossians 3:12-17
    Luke 2: 41-52


    Finding Jesus

    We assume we know
    where Jesus will be found
    Yet lost in the temple
    a missing piece
    He speaks to my silent search
    In forgiveness and gratitude
    But mostly
    Linen ephod-gifted
    Robe stitched with prayer
    on veil fabric
    once used to separate
    God from creation
    Now this new priestly robe
    that covers me
    mediating lostness
    A new veil; new ephod
    A new garment yet to be torn
    Found in the once empty
    now-found place
    I am found
    and clothed.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 18 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin



  • Isaiah 60: 1-6
    Psalm 72: 1-7, 10-14
    Ephesians 3: 1-12
    Matthew 2: 1-12


    Epiphany Gifts

    Entering Epiphany
    from far places
    Star beckoned
    kneeling in darkness
    Bags laid down
    in the not yet
    Gifts hidden in the shadows
    knowing dawn will come
    Gold will be unwrapped
    Frankincense opened
    Myrrh undone
    For king and priest
    Newborn, yet tomb-bound
    In our giving
    We are unwrapped,
    by royal robe, rent in two.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 20 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Isaiah 43: 1-7
    Psalm 29
    Acts 8: 14-17
    Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22



    Descending dove
    with water- wet and cold
    yet more than bird and stream
    This splash of life
    On Your beloved
    whom we the world
    had waited for.
    Preparing him - or us
    His going and his sending
    Affirmed and shaped
    Claimed and called
    To be re-membered
    His baptism mine
    Incomprehensibly simple
    My claim and call:
    I re-member.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 20 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Isaiah 62: 1-5
    Psalm 36: 5-10
    1 Corinthians 12: 1-11
    John 2: 1-11



    Here the gift
    named just or only
    ordinary and lesser,
    is renamed for delight
    as abundant wine.
    A community
    forsaken - deserted - desolate
    renamed to delight-full
    Self-naming and labels
    In need of reinvention
    Word grounded in our ordinary
    Of weddings and wine
    Overflowing abundance on the third day
    Replacing emptiness when all has run dry
    The wine has run out
    and we thought the laughter must end.
    Overflowing abundance on the third day
    When all we had was Saturdays
    And watery labels.
    Emptiness is not the end
    Frivolous perhaps
    Yet joy filled in humanity
    Like you.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 19 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10
    Psalm 19
    1 Corinthians 12: 2-31a
    Luke 4: 14-21



    In this crumbling world
    where ruins rule
    Broken hearts and homes
    where hidden faults
    lie undiscerned in rubble
    Needing re-build
    Brick by brick
    Word by word
    By a people
    For a people
    From lost identity
    by re-membered stories
    Mason God
    at work with beloved stones
    To proclaim again
    release, sight and freedom.
    Rebuilt proclamation
    for the broken.
    Re-formed together.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 19 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Jeremiah 1: 4-10
    Psalm 71: 1-6
    1 Corinthians 13: 1-13
    Luke 4: 21-30

    As Shakespeare said, “Pretend a virtue if you have it not”.


    Cliff Top

    To not join with the local tales
    Of how things ought to be
    But speak of grace
    In other’s stories
    Crossing sand drawn lines
    Shifts from popular
    overnight, to not
    and leads to clifftop danger
    A more excellent way.
    (although excuses tempt us down).
    Too young, too old, too anything.
    Dare we stay abiding?
    Not uninformed, for clifftop love
    It matters most
    All else will fall away.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 19 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Isaiah 6: 1-8 (9-13)
    Psalm 138
    1 Corinthians 15: 1-11
    Luke 5: 1-11



    Made and called
    To a place and a people
    A land and a hand
    At home with ourselves through others
    With and to God; Reconciled.
    Called and sent: to be and do
    Amidst community trauma,
    Seen and sent by the bigness of God
    Called and sent: to be and do.
    Angels and coals; messengers and painful reminders
    So we discover our failures
    On the way to grace renewed
    Belonging matters -to us and them
    Amidst failures of the day, all but given up
    Seen and sent by the bigness of God
    Called and sent: to be and do.
    Go back to the deep with tired hands
    Reset the nets to be overwhelmed
    So discover your failures
    On the way to grace renewed
    Belonging matters -to us and them
    Join the adventure; become the nets
    Belonging to God, claimed by grace
    Belonging to community; living by grace
    Belonging to the land; planted in grace.
    May my yes lead me home.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 16 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Jeremiah 17: 5-10
    Psalm 1
    1 Corinthians 15: 12-20
    Luke 6: 17-26



    Whether we find God on a mountain top or a level place 
    Spectacular or ordinary
    I believe
    As a tree planted by the river
    Ordinary yet spectacular.
    Amidst raw life -poverty and thirst
    Drought and flood
    I believe
    Blessing amidst pain
    Grace amidst awful
    For the nobodies
    the kingdom way already begun
    The Word understood in healing and hope
    Visible and audible
    This I believe.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 16 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin

  • Genesis 45: 3-11, 15
    Psalm 37: 1-11, 39-40
    1 Cor 15: 35-38, 42-50
    Luke 6: 27-38



    Just a seedling glimpse
    Of what we might yet become
    Little steps for now
    Away from judgement
    Toward our enemies
    From arrogance of expectation
    To humility and grace.
    From parading talents
    To using gifts given
    Attentive to the other
    Even the enemy other
    Little steps for now
    Away from anxiety and fear
    Those paths to anger are well trodden
    From certain surety
    To vulnerable transparency
    From familiar brokenness
    To strange dark places
    The harder path Is more becoming
    A lifetime of little steps
    Little steps with fragile patience
    Newfound wings we little understand
    Yet still they make us fly.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 16 June 2024, written at Ffald y Brenin



  • Exodus 34: 29-35
    Psalm 99
    2 Corinthians 3: 12 – 4:2
    Luke 9: 8-36 (37-43a)



    From prayer
    grounded in upcoming suffering
    to mountain paths
    that make their way
    above worry and toil
    Hard the climb
    Complex and dangerous the art*
    To be covered by glory;
    wrapped in epiphany
    Touched and seen
    yet so difficult to understand
    No encampment allowed
    for we don’t know what we say
    Affirmation and glory
    found in the thin places
    is to be held on to;
    tucked in the pocket of our soul for by and by
    when life hurts and hope fades.
    When you dig deep
    into pocket depths
    and remember glory unveiled.

    *as Professor McGonagall says

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 23 June 2024, written at Chester

  • Deuteronomy 26: 1-11
    Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-16
    Romans 10: 8b-13
    Luke 4: 1-13


    The Lenten Road

    Temptation is a given
    on this shadowy way
    we choose to walk
    Heart and mouth join feet
    on this way we wander
    that demands our best
    as we remember, God is good
    Even when, in hunger
    we wish stones were bread
    and seek a better view than where we walk.
    O Spirit of wild-erness:
    Lead us to this other path
    Led to bypass glory
    (what a golden road it seems)
    and choose not power
    (another gem laid way)
    nor gratification
    (such a pleasurable path).
    If only
    the beckoning gold and gem
    were holy paths
    yet not,
    and so we take
    this other way
    to true identity: o child of God.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 2 July 2024, written at Taizé

  • Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
    Psalm 27
    Philippians 3:17 – 4:1
    Luke 13: 31-35 or Luke 9:28-36


    Night Sky

    Let your stars shine
    in their words of unfulfilled promise
    as specks of distant hope
    in the terrifying darkness
    that threatens to encompass.
    As I wait for the dawn
    may I dare to look up
    and glimpse the hope
    I cannot yet claim
    amidst those vast skies
    of desolation and platter-ed heads.
    Reframing my sight
    And re-posturing my body
    So I find my haven
    beneath divine wings
    of maternal protection
    Where I weep my lament
    And stitch hope back into my being
    Until at last I might praise
    even with a single string
    believing the sun will rise.

    Note: in the beautiful painting by the English Victorian painter George Frederick Watts, called Hope, a lone blindfolded female figure sitting on a globe, plays a lyre that has only one single string remaining. The background is almost blank, its only visible feature a single star.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin

  • Isaiah 55: 1-9
    Psalm 63: 1-8
    1 Corinthians 10:1-13
    Luke 13: 1-9



    In dry places I thirst
    I yearn to see you
    and know again your touch.
    Too long the exile,
    I long for return
    to table and to garden.
    To smell and touch and taste
    that joy which now has gone.
    A full stop looms large.
    As pain and blame
    threaten to end my story.
    Dare I grasp instead, the comma?
    Be undefined by that black dot.
    Choose instead to take a breath
    and not give up.
    Pay for time and space with empty purse
    Seek yet again the Seeker
    Who makes the Word be full again.
    Comma Christ: Breath of life
    You waste not nor give up
    for tainted pasts
    But seeking change and new directions
    offer yet another season
    for nurture to reap its reward.
    My story incomplete; the comma remains
    Inviting me to make the next line count.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 3 July 2024, written at Taizé

  • Joshua 5:9-12
    Psalm 32
    2 Corinthians 5:16-21
    Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32



    Farmer of prodigal generosity
    who makes things new
    in wasteful extravagance.
    Before my words are voiced:
    before I come to my senses
    welcomes me home
    where I may eat again from the land.
    From my far country
    -brothel or bedroom
    Younger or older
    muttering my discontent
    That I might climb back into the story
    And wearing your ring
    move from perplexity to humility
    and become the welcome.
    Overcoming judgement’s folly
    To offer a place to belong
    Where pain and hope is embraced
    enough to endure our brother
    And we return to our best selves
    to catch a glimpse of glory.
    Prodigal God.

    Note 1: The image of climbing back into the story resonates for me with Nouwen’s climbing into Rembrandt’s painting of The Prodigal.

    Note 2: Brian McLaren offers four stages of faith - from simplicity, to complexity, to perplexity, to harmony/humility.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin

  • Isaiah 43: 16-21
    Psalm 126
    Philippians 3: 4b-14
    John 12:1-8


    Costly Choices

    Where we once worried
    about death’s smell
    Might my most costly gift
    change the atmosphere
    for love’s fragrance
    to evoke a new memory
    of dreams and laughter
    of rivers in desert lands
    The smell of one that lingers
    beyond odours of cynicism and despair
    Offering outrageous, intimate devotion
    that will not stay contained.
    A gift we might have held
    as grain to be eaten, not sown
    Yet in hungry tears, choose to plant,
    so we might yet eat again.
    The goal once unwanted, yet now I yearn.
    Let down my hair,
    in awkward vulnerability
    and extravagant hospitality.
    Feast givers and fragrance pourers
    Homes of welcome and empathy
    invading, pervading self-giving
    Unrecognised by some who sneer
    yet as it was intended.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 6 July 2024, written at Taizé

  • Isaiah 50:4-8
    Psalm 118: 1-2. 19-29 or Psalm 31:9-16
    Philippians 2: 5-11
    Luke 18: 28-40


    A Way

    Joining Jesus
    on the road
    Laying down our branch.
    Tourist or pilgrim?
    Highest place to lowly
    Praise to accusation.
    Might Jesus need more
    than a colt
    to carry him
    Held too by praise
    upon the way.
    Others alongside
    sharing a coat
    Slowing our pace
    to walk the journey
    or racing past
    when stones themselves
    will ground him in praise
    God will find a way.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 6 July 2024, written at Taizé

  • Exodus 12:1-4 (5-10) 11-14
    Psalm 116: 1-2,12-19
    1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
    John 13:1-17, 31b-35


    Pass Over

    In the midst of many shadows
    darkness grows and light flickers.
    The table is set
    for ordinary sacred
    Passover remembrance
    of another deliverance.
    The hour had come:
    the devil is at work.
    Was the bread -ripped apart –
    hard to swallow?
    To re-member who we are.
    Remove the layers; pour the water
    Wash the dirt away, more or less.
    For tonight a single light still flickers.
    The journey’s end is near.
    A road we would not choose
    yet God-led to suffering.
    Tread softly for much is bruised
    and needs that bowl of water.
    Pass over us again this night
    on the edge of darkness,
    with love until the end.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 6 July 2024, written at Taizé

  • Isaiah 52: 13- 53:12
    Psalm 22
    Hebrews 10:16 -25 or Hebrews 4: 14-16, 5:7-9
    John 18:1 - 19:42

    This poem on the last words of Jesus is the first of two poems for Good Friday.


    Last Words

    Famous last words stick
    How could we forget?
    Frustration wonders, when?
    Despair groans, why?
    Abandonment asks, where?
    Accusation wonders, who?
    Pain seeks company
    yet friends fall asleep
    Awareness asks remembrance
    yet promised undeserved paradise
    Grief stands broken, alone
    yet bonds are tied: this is your son.
    Deep thirst cries out
    as darkness looms.
    When all is said and done
    We are in the hands of God
    As it was in the beginning.
    It is finished.
    Final words are not final.
    They speak contradiction
    to all that was
    And we still ask, what is truth?
    And shake dice over the leftovers.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 2 July 2024, written at Taizé

  • Isaiah 52: 13- 53:12
    Psalm 22
    Hebrews 10:16 -25 or Hebrews 4: 14-16, 5:7-9
    John 18:1 - 19:42

    This poem on the response of the disciples and us is the second of two poems for Good Friday.



    It’s hard to swallow
    as waves crash around us
    Shame and regret
    Screaming and silence
    Sleeplessness now
    Why not then?
    Shoulds and if onlys
    are heavy burdens
    darkness adds to confusion
    light is hard to bear
    Nothing will ever
    be normal again
    Can’t we just go back
    to what we once knew
    and thought we understood?
    Today’s raw loss
    when resurrection is unimaginable
    must be lived
    before tomorrow’s tomorrow comes.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 2 July 2024, written at Taizé

  • Job 14:1-14
    Lamentations 3:1-9. 19-24
    Psalm 31: 1-4, 15-16
    1 Peter 4: 1-8
    John 19: 38-42



    Two by night
    Gift tomb and spice
    Hidden love
    -yet deep -
    to blanket over sin
    No life held here:
    this stump won’t sprout.
    Sealed in stone
    with scent of death.
    We walk in darkness,
    walled in, weighed low.
    Yet not consumed
    for hope is in the waiting.
    While yet we ring our hands.

    © Rev Nikki Watkin, 6 July 2024, written at Taizé

Year A

Coming Advent 2025…

Year B

Coming Advent 2026…